The Watchman
End Time Puzzles Solved
America is the key to understanding End Time puzzles and the Bible’s book of Revelation. Without clear understanding of America’s place in Bible prophecy, the book of Revelation will remain a puzzle and a stumbling block to many prophecy writers/readers.
In this discussion of world events and Bible prophecy, Pastor Michael Obi revealed the answer to all who have been searching for truth and balance about the End Time: (major shakings, plagues, unprecedented famines, catastrophes, earthquakes, devastative terrorism, economic collapse, and finally the glorious rise of the true church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the soon coming World War III WWIII) and why the Middle East, especially Israel, will remain headline news.
The slumber will definitely be over. Reading this book will help you prepare before it’s too late. God’s clock is about to strike midnight.